Tuesday, June 19, 2018

Lowery-Whitehead American Legion Post 29 Flag Day June 14, 2018

American Legion Post 29  in Lawton Commander Claude F. Bates, Jr. speaking on Flag Dag
Lowery-Whitehead American Legion Post 29 Commander Claude F. Bates, Jr.
during Post 29's June 14, 2018 Flag Day Ceremony in Lawton, Oklahoma  

“A Flag may be a flimsy bit of printed gauze, or a beautiful banner of finest silk. Its intrinsic value may be trifling or great; but its real value is beyond price, for it is a precious symbol of all that we and our comrades have worked for, lived for, and died for: a free Nation of free men, true to the faith of the past, devoted to the ideals and practice of Justice, Freedom and Democracy," ~ Lowery-Whitehead American Legion Post 29 Commander Claude F. Bates, Jr. during the June 14, 2018 Unserviceable Flag Ceremony held in front of the Post 29 building in Lawton, Oklahoma. The purpose of The American Legion in adopting this ceremony was to encourage proper respect for the Flag of the United States and to provide for disposal of unserviceable flags in a dignified manner. The ceremony has been an integral part of American Legion ritual since it was adopted the during the 19th National Convention of The American Legion held in New York, Sept. 20-23, 1937. 
American Legion Post 29  in Lawton visits with members of  the Lawton, Ok community
Lowery-Whitehead American Legion Post 29 3rd Vice Commander

 Richard Limon visits with members of  the Lawton, Ok community 

Lowery-Whitehead invited members of the Lawton Fort Sill community to attend the Unserviceable Flag Ceremony and to enjoy a community cook out afterwards. Sons of the American Legion Squadron 29 member Junior Mendietta manned the grill and served up hamburgers for the public to enjoy while members of the post visited with those in attendance.  American Legion Post 29 hopes to see this tradition grow as in continues in the future. For more information about Lowery-Whitehead American Legion Post 29  contact the post in person: 605 SW 11th St. in Lawton, Oklahoma, by phone (580) 353-5015, email: AmericanLegionLawton@gmail.com. or visit: facebook.com/AmericanLegionLawton. Find more photos of Post 29's 2018 Flag Day by visiting: our online photo album

Four Chaplins Day

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